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Reporting and Healing & Support Service

There are several means by which the Marist Brothers Australia are involved in matters pertaining to those who have suffered abuse.

We encourage anyone who may have suffered past abuse to contact the Professional Standards Office of the Marist Brothers on +612 9218 4000 or at for assistance from our skilled team.

The Marist Brothers cooperate with authorities in the investigation of abuse, no matter where or when it may have occurred.

We strongly urge any person who has any evidence of criminal conduct to contact their local police and report it so that it can be appropriately investigated.


If anyone wishes to bring a complaint of abuse against any member of staff, present or past, of a Marist school or other ministry, they may do so in any of the following ways:

  1. If the complaint relates to abuse of a child or young person, contact the police or relevant authority in your state. For urgent matters where a child is at risk of harm, contact the Police emergency number - 000 (all states).

  2. Contact the Principal / Director / Manager of the relevant Marist school or ministry.

  3. Contact the Marist Brothers’ Professional Standards Office on +612 9218 4000.

Please note when children are involved, many States have mandatory reporting provisions to the police or relevant state authority.



Marist Healing and Support Service provides a supportive response to people who have been affected by childhood sexual abuse perpetrated by personnel of the Marist Brothers.

This involves working with those who have been abused to assist them to identify their specific needs to create positive change and healing in their lives. This can also involve working with their partners, parents, siblings and children, if appropriate.

This supportive response may include:

  • Meeting with the person and arranging appropriate counselling or other therapeutic help

  • Supporting the person and their family through periods of distress

  • Supporting the person to make a statement to the Police (or other Statutory authorities) about the abuse

  • Supporting the person and their family through the criminal process

  • Advocating on behalf of the person or groups of people who have been adversely affected

  • Building support networks and liaising with external networks on the person’s behalf

  • Providing regular follow up contact and telephone support


Chanel Hughes
Work days are variable.
m | 0411 108 465
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